Newspapers are one thing that I have steered clear of in my life. As a kid I would be the first one to grab the Sunday funnies or the ads for Toys'r'us but I just couldn't bring myself to read the actual newspaper. It wasn't until high school when I finally was on the staff for the Beresonian (high school newspaper printed in the town newspaper during the school year) that I began to take an interest. I had a lot of fun writing up articles about my peers and then seeing them printed a few weeks later. Even now my mom will save the Beresonian for me if there's an article she thinks I would like.
One other memory involving newspapers; I loved the movie the Newsies growing up and I distinctively remember wanting to sell newspapers. But since I was a country kid, being a paper girl was out of the question.
Today I still don't read the newspaper much in paper form. I will read it if I'm at work and bored online. And I don't receive a newspaper at my home, but I think online sites are much more accessible and interesting. But I still read the funnies if I can get them :)
Good post, Kristen. I think your comments are reflective of folks your age in general.