Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Experience

From childhood I only have 2 different experiences with video games. As a young girl my brother would play tetris on his sega but I honestly only ever remember that one game. I'm sure there were more in his room but I never got to actually play them. Then I also remember playing mario cart with my friends once at someone's house. I think it may have been New Years eve party type of thing.

Until I started dating my most recent boyfriend I had never really enjoyed playing video games. I'm not very hand eye coordinated so I had it in my head that I hated video games. Then I played Fable 2 for the first time. My boyfriend had it lying around and I popped it in one day while he was at work and I love it! I was actually pretty good at it. Soon after that I purchased my first Xbox 360 and several games as well as a live membership. I set records at finishing Fable 3 (less than 24 hours of play time). Recently I have stopped playing very often but I still enjoy playing with Geoff and his friends.

Article idea for PR

In order to capture the English and the New media aspects of their major a group of students at Dakota State University have integrated a YouTube video and poet Shel Silverstein to bring two seemingly opposite ideas together. The video is short and sweet and to the point. DSU would like you to experience where your journey might lead you with the English for New Media major. In the last 5 years the field of New Media has exploded across the world. In order to populate this new job market Dakota State University has recently established the English for New Media major. They are currently only the second University in the world to implement this major. Current students in English for Information systems were drafted into this major to all encompass what the major is about. Students looking to work in a new media environment will be able to take ground breaking classes that implement all kinds of media techniques and introduce ways to integrate new media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogs, etc into their job. A group of students currently in this major have used their already rich new media skills to create a promotional video for DSU. To view this promotional video visit and type in English for New Media DSU.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Movie

When I was 12 years old for my birthday my sister took me to Pocahontas at the Viborg theater. I can tell you right now that it was probably one of the crappies little theaters in the state. Your feet stuck to the floor and you didn't to lose anything because you wouldn't even find it back. And if you sat in the balcony you would be harassed for the entire movie by high school kids.

I honestly don't remember the movie itself that day. I just remember going and being so excited that I couldn't speak (and for me that is sort of a big deal). We got popcorn, candy and pop and sat where I wanted to. When the movie was over Janey took me to get ice cream and we went home. I don't remember a time after this that Janey and I really hung out so this experience for me is more important that just my first theater experience.

After that i went to movies all the time. Eventually I would even work in a movie theater, and learn how to fix and run projectors. To this day working at a movie theater has been one of my favorite jobs. I LOVE movies.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Radio Experience

I half wish that every radio station was on a ship somewhere off the coast. I think it would be a heck of a lot cooler, unfortunately here in land locked South Dakota that really isn't an option.

Mostly my experience with Radio is limited. I've been listening to it since as far back as I can remember. As a little kid my dad would listen to Paul Harvey and I would almost always lay on the floor by the bed and fall asleep while he was talking. That and WNAX pretty much raised me as far as radio is concerned. But it hasn't been until recently that I've really chosen a station that I'm dedicated to. If I had to choose people to listen to while driving to work at 7 am in the morning I pick Hot 104.7 and the Andy and Mel show. I honestly can't think of a better way to make the drive go a little faster than their witty talk show.

But as a general rule my radio is dialed into 103.7 the Crow. Rock never loses its flavor, and they never play Nelly or Britney Spears so I like that too.

And that was the rest of the story.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Digital Music

Metallica sued Napster for file sharing rights 0n it's music several years ago. I'm sure anyone who listens to music remembers this happening and as far as I'm concerned it was bogus. I know that there are a lot of people out there that can relate to Metallica. It's their music so they want their rights cared for. But what if music became a creative commons and they no longer have the right to say who can and cannot open source it? All of a sudden Metallica has a HUGE fan base, more than before, buying concert tickets at outrageous prices, buying merch from their website, stores begin to sell their merch because that's what the people want. Metallica is an awesome band, they've been on the music front for a long time but we don't hear from them much anymore because they charge such exorbitant amounts of money to use their music on anything; games, movies, and the web. I don't mind making file sharing a little more artist friendly, but let the people have your music without kicking screaming and throwing a fit. It will only benefit you in the end!

Read the article here and give me YOUR opinion on file sharing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love hate relationships

Newspapers are one thing that I have steered clear of in my life. As a kid I would be the first one to grab the Sunday funnies or the ads for Toys'r'us but I just couldn't bring myself to read the actual newspaper. It wasn't until high school when I finally was on the staff for the Beresonian (high school newspaper printed in the town newspaper during the school year) that I began to take an interest. I had a lot of fun writing up articles about my peers and then seeing them printed a few weeks later. Even now my mom will save the Beresonian for me if there's an article she thinks I would like.

One other memory involving newspapers; I loved the movie the Newsies growing up and I distinctively remember wanting to sell newspapers. But since I was a country kid, being a paper girl was out of the question.

Today I still don't read the newspaper much in paper form. I will read it if I'm at work and bored online. And I don't receive a newspaper at my home, but I think online sites are much more accessible and interesting. But I still read the funnies if I can get them :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I chose this poem initially because I'm afraid of heights. Don't get me wrong I adore roller coasters but I'm strapped to those. Put me in a tree and I won't be able to get down, and don't expect me to stand at the edge of a balcony and look down.

At first the simplicity of it made me think about leaving. The structure could easily be duplicated in power point with word art animations. Might need to use photo shop for the warping of the picture at the end but in general it could be put together in less than an hour if you had the text. An easy flash program could create this quick presentation of the poem.

I took a few screen caps of some of my favorite lines from the poem...